



This area, where the remains and pottery of the Jomon period were discovered, has a terrain shaved by the ”Katsuragawa river” that flows from Mt.Fuji and surrounding mountains. People lived by hunting the aquatic creatures brought by the Katsuragawa river.The area around the current Saruhashi bridge, which forms a steep valley around the river, is not suitable for farming or settling due to the shape of the land, and in the Yayoi period, the existence of people disappeared. However, it is said that the prototype of the “Saruhashi bridge” was made around 600. The bridge has had a very unusual structure in which wood is pierced into the cliff, as it is because the bridge girder cannot be lowered due to the steep cliff. Many architects and designers have visited to learn the structure from all over the country.In the early modern period, Saruhashi prospered as a transportation hub for Musashi, Kai, and Sagami provinces until the Chuo Line opened in 1902 and the railway hub function was established in Otsuki.

Since then, Otsuki was famous for silk-producing because the terrain was suitable for sericulture and the city had good access to the central town, until the industry moved to China. It was popular as the gateway t o Mt.Fuji as well.And this space, the “Otsuki atelier” used by Natsuyuki Nakanishi, was previously a silk factory. Until the 2000s, this area had the function of a commuter town for people who work in companies in the Tama area, but the number of such commuters are declining with the long-term recession causing many to the city center, leading to a population decrease.Anyways, it was in 2019 when we visited this place.

First time visiting the Otsuki atelier, with its partially used frames and the floor with holes and scattered paint, I trembled because of my feeling that I was inside a non-reproducible, one-time happening.In books, in the story told, in the studio, I am made aware of the existence of “them” who were supposed to have been here, and from that, I can start to head to my material. Jissen Kokogaku (Practical Archaeology) is the place where I can practice these  comings and goings.
